“Years before I found the money to publish my book, “Barbours Cut: Beyond the River’s Reach”, I knew that I would use Hasmark. My mentor of a dozen years, Peggy McColl, had a sister in the publishing business, Judy O’Beirn, Hasmark’s CEO and President. I wouldn’t have to dig through hundreds of names and interview dozens of companies to find one I could trust. It was always going to be Judy’s company. Judy talked to me several times over the years, taking her precious time to speak with an as-yet-unpaying customer. That was impressive!
My book is very long (556 pages) so the editing process was long and laborious: I always hated editing. The editor that Judy selected for me, Murray Lewis, was an excellent choice; I couldn’t have asked for a better collaborator. The same was the case for my proofreader, Allison Burney. Mary-Kate Luke and Jenn Gibson helped me every step of the way. They put my book up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and extended distribution and did all the work required behind the scenes, and they still help me with the odd question four months after publication. I hope I’ll be able to talk to Judy before too long about publishing the sequel to “Barbours Cut”, which I’ve started writing!”
– Nancy Potter
International Best Seller Author “Barbour’s Cut”